Sunday, January 1, 2012

out with the old and in with the new... part 1

Happy New Year

... to everyone who may still read this blog or have it languishing in their RSS. As you can see from the wee graph above... participation in this blog has waned since it started back in 2009. I, for one, am guilty of forgetting about it... and for that I am sorry.

 However... out with the old and in with the new... I recently announced on twitter that I was "looking to refresh the blog and photo submission process."

I do believe it is time for a fresh coat of paint... and wanted let you know that moves are afoot to launch a new blog... from the ashes of this one... with a new, simpler submission process.

I am delighted to say that Laura Bridge has agreed to work with me on this... and I will be looking for more contributors in due course. We won't be asking folks to submit photos to the blog... we'll take care of that for you... all we will be looking for is people to submit to the Flickr pool.

The purpose of the blog will be twofold - (1) to encourage folks to take photos and challenge them to do so ... and (2) to showcase these photos. We will be working to a weekly "theme" that we'll ask participants to work to... with the best of these submissions shown on the blog.

To this end... can I ask anyone who wishes to journey with us on this to consider "new" as this week's theme. Interpret "new" as you want... and I'll be in touch with how you can submit in due course.

Thanks and here's to 2012.


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