Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Orchids and Light 1.

Orchids and Light 1., originally uploaded by angusmathie.


Theresa Seeber said...

As I was thinking of what to comment on this photo, the term "I'm in love" came to mind. This is beautiful! Thank you! Do you grow these? I hear that is not easy. Congratulations on your success - with the shot and with the flowers. :-)

Angus Mathie said...

Theresa, thank you for your kind comments.

What I really like is that both orchid plants have been given to us as gifts! This one was given 2 years ago and we were surprised and delighted to see how well it bloomed in the second year. We are just careful how we place them in light, water and feed them but we have no special expertise. They have rewarded us abundantly!