Monday, January 12, 2009

Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen, Clwyd

Llangollen, Clwyd, originally uploaded by tobit_e.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I think Wales has some gorgeous scenery and this really shows it off well.

Anonymous said...

And if you look really far in the distance, and I mean REALLY far you can see me waving! LOL Lovely pic!

Tobit said...

It really was quite amazing. As we stood there we watch a rain storm race down the valley from further into Wales and then it hit us, we sheltered on the South East side for about 10 minutes as it continued its way along the A5 to England.

Laura Whispering said...

What a stunning view!

Existential Punk said...

Makes me miss County Down and the Mourne Mountains in Northern Ireland!